Grand Traverse Area Genealogical Society

Welcome to GTAGS!

We are pleased that you are visiting the Grand Traverse Area Genealogical Society’s website. GTAGS was established in 1979 to support those with an interest in genealogy. Most of our members reside (full-time or seasonally) in the four county Grand Traverse area, but our family origins are from all over North America and throughout the world. We welcome all, wherever your family tree is rooted.
GTAGS fosters interest and skills to support your genealogy search. Whether you are just beginning your family research or are well advanced on your journey of building your family tree, GTAGS will add value to your experience. We encourage you to share your experiences and gain support from others with a common interest. Enjoy discovering the stories of your family’s past and building your family tree.

GTAGS Website

Please check the GTAGS website frequently for new information and updates. Watch the events column for GTAGS activities and other events that may be useful to those interested in genealogy.

The website has a Member section that can only be accessed by current members through their membership account. In the Members section of the website, members are able to access information that is not available to other users of the website. You may become a member by clicking on the "Online Join" tab and entering your information. Currently, the only option available is to print the form and mail it with your check. We hope to allow  enrolling on-line with a Paypal/credit card option in the future.

August 3
Cemetery Stone Rededication Event
Rededication of the cemetery stone of John George Youker (1789-1870), Patriot of War of 1812.

August 14
GTAGS Board Meeting
Board meetings are open to all members.

August 22
GTAGS Membership Meeting (Open to the Public)
  Today's topic will be "Researching World War I & II Military Records" by Cynthia Grostick  

September 11
GTAGS Board Meeting
Board meetings are open to all members.

September 26
GTAGS Membership Meeting (Open to the Public)
  Today's topic will be “Steven Morse One-Step Website” with Linda Last